Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bonjour. Comment ça va?

Hey, all. X here. This blog will contain my honest, brutal opinion of things going on in my life.

You ever have those moments when you want to say something to someone, but can't because it's embarrassing / imprudent / insensitive / flaky / whatever? Since those moments tend to define my life in general, and I end up with my foot in my mouth a lot, this will be my new outlet in an attempt to gain a filter on my brain to sort the stupid things I say from the intelligent ones.

Let's hope this works.


1 comment:

Emo.xx.Drama.xx.Queen said...

Wow, girl, this is gonna be interesting... and don't we all end up with our feet in our mouths? (Well, I do, anyway.)

Lauryn. ♥