Friday, February 6, 2009

Bloc d'auteurs

Also known to the English-speaking world as "writer's block."

Guh! I hate it! I have no imagination. I look for original plot ideas and come up empty. It's so frustrating! Everything these days is "vampires" this and "werewolves" that and it's like, really guys? Be original. Don't mooch of Stephenie Meyer's trend.

I also can't start stories for my life. I can write the middle and end, but the beginning.... nothing. I need help. Those online "writing prompts" don't help much either, because the original ones are all super random and bizarre, but not in a good way. I got one about a monk looking for his daughter in downtown NYC or something. Monks can't have kids. GR!

If anyone has a good writing prompt for me, let me know, because I'm metaphorically dying over here.


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