Sunday, March 29, 2009

Angoisse Existentielle - aidez-moi !


Like all stories usually starts, "so there's this guy..."

So, there is this guy. And I guess the only way to explain him is... obnoxious. Argh! He's so frustrating... immature... difficult... and sometimes kind of an asshole. But I like him. -.-

I've never gotten such mixed signals from anyone before. There are times when I'm almost completely positive he likes me - like when he stays up til an ungodly hour texting me, when he has a "phone curfew" and when he texts me first thing in the morning things like "wakey wakey!" and "rise and shine, sleepyhead!" It's an in-your-face kind of cute, since I usually don't want to get up that early, but still.

And then (cue sigh) and then, there are the times when I'm relatively sure he doesn't give a shit about me. Like, it was really late last night and I told him I was going to sleep, and he replies "go die." I was like ":(" ... it made me sad... he also kept calling me a bitch, but in his defense, I was kinda being one.

It really is a love/hate relationship. And I hate it.

I don't know if I'd ever date him. I mean, he's a cool kid most of the time (when he's not being a full-on jerk) but really, he's far too immature. I don't even know why I like him in the first place. Argh.

Plus there's the fact that his best friend is a total and complete sweetie. Honest to God, I love the kid to death, and I would totally date him in a heartbeat. I'm actually quite surprised he's single, he's such a cutie.

*Sigh* I have no idea what to do. HELP!


1 comment:

X said...

Um... you possibly know him? I dunno. -hug- All I need is to straighten out my head.